Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week 1: Living Healthy with Coupons Challenge

Last week I undertook the challenge of seeing whether it would be possible to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a healthful diet while clipping coupons. My observation that most coupons are for packaged goods, which are usually high in fat, sodium, and fillers, led me to see if I could save money clipping coupons while purchasing only foods that I chose to include in my diet—healthy foods and foods that I enjoy.

My first shopping trip with the challenge mind gained me a savings of $12 with a total original cost of $37. Using a combination of grocery store sales and grocery store and manufacturer coupons, I picked up apple juice (from concentrate), frozen vegetables, packaged salad, peanut butter, whole grain bread, salad dressing, cereal, frozen perogies, and frozen pizzas. Of all the items I bought, the pizzas were likely least healthy.  

Despite having to use coupons, resisting the urging to buy junk food and needless items on sale was the hardest part of my shopping trip. Doritos were on sale: buy one, get one free. In the past, I would seize upon a sale like that without thinking twice. I would have picked them up and thought I had made out like a bandit. Is it any wonder that obesity in America is an epidemic?

Food pricing like “buy one, get one free” on chips and “buy one for $3” on veggies discourages the eating of healthy meals. However, this week’s experiment with coupons suggests that healthy eating is possible even if you are on a budget.

 As I move on to week two, my main concern is whether a regular savings of $12 or more a week can be expected.


Coupons and Healthy Living

Week 2 -- Living Healthy with Coupons

Week 3 -- Living Healthy with Coupons

Week 4 -- Living Healthy with Coupons

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