The final week of the coupon challenge is here at last. I set out to discover whether it was actually possible to have a healthful diet while primarily using coupons to help you save money on your grocery bill. As it turns out, using coupons is definitely effective at saving people money at the checkout. However, their utility lessens as the need to stock up on food decreases.
Last week, I noted that the only foodstuffs I needed to buy were fresh vegetables. This week, I managed to get by without going to the grocery store at all. Using canned and frozen vegetables, dried starches like rice and bulgar wheat, and a smattering of fruits, nuts, and cereal, I had a full week of meals without needing to head to the market.
While my case may be unique, it seems that using coupons is effective mostly when you have lots of groceries to buy on a regular basis and less effective once a stockpile of dried goods has been accumulated. For me, this outcome suggests that the use of coupons will be relevant for me only about once a month. That period could be even longer if I temper my food consumption.
Can a person eat healthy while using coupons? Yes. Are the savings sustainable? Only if you need to buy in bulk or stockpile tons of items.
Coupons and Healthy Living
Week 1 -- Living Healthy with Coupons
Week 2 -- Living Healthy with Coupons
Week 3 -- Living Healthy with Coupons
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